Wednesday 19 December 2012

And finally they became Fantastic

Let's keep this short and under 300 words.

Welcome back Fantastic Four.

Matt Fraction has taken the helm to lead this new series of the Fantastic Four (as well as the FF) and i'm finally falling back in love with this team. Fraction has taken it back to basics by returning them to the "astronaut family" that they really are. But of course this is Reed Richards, so of course there is a hidden agenda. After being bitten by a dinosaur (lol), upon further investigation Reed discovers that the molecular reconstruction that made these 4 'fantastic' is now deconstructing. So in an attempt to save his family, Reed whisks them off into space - under the guise of teaching the kids and showing them the universe- in an attempt to find answers and a cure.

The story is well written, witty and as far as i'm concerned it makes perfect sense, and it's great to see them returning to their roots. Jonny is back on top form (presenting his number to Darla in a ring box) and Ben is as awesome as ever. The introduction of the new FF aligns perfectly with where Fraction left with FF #1, and to be honest it makes sense to read both, if not for continuity, but Fractions work is not to be missed.

Mark Bagley and Mark Farmer are leaving their mark on this series, and I really can't fault their work at all. Very excited to see what they will produce for the space and action scenes.

This series just screams action and fun, and personally I think it's something that's been missing from the Fantastic Four recently, and with Franklin and Valeria in tow (FINALLY) you just know it's gonna be good.

What would Doom do?
Well this would definitely be a massive sore spot from his highness of Latervia, but hey there might be a chance of a cameo?! So he'd hold his banner high and chant "Yay for family fun!"

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